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2024 Elroy Fair

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Viewing records 1301-1350 of 1899
Results last updated at: 09/19/2024 5:32 PM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 58: Chives, potted
36 Preuss, Marie 381 White
104 Thomas, Steven E. 1352 Red Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 59: Dill, fresh, 3 stems, not from potted entry
131 Pufahl, Kim 1725 Blue Juneau
176 Pufahl, Twyla 2260 Red Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 60: Dill, potted
35 Preuss, Betty 301 Blue
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 61: Basil, fresh, 3 stems, not from potted entry
131 Pufahl, Kim 1726 Blue Juneau
176 Pufahl, Twyla 2261 Red Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 62: Basil, potted
35 Preuss, Betty 302 Blue
36 Preuss, Marie 382 Red
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 63: Thyme, fresh, 3 stems, not from potted entry
131 Pufahl, Kim 1727 Red Juneau
176 Pufahl, Twyla 2262 White Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 64: Thyme, potted
35 Preuss, Betty 303 Red
36 Preuss, Marie 383 Blue
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 65: Mint, any, fresh, 3, not from potted entry
131 Pufahl, Kim 1728 Blue Juneau
168 Colwell, Becky 2094 Red
176 Pufahl, Twyla 2263 Pink Juneau
204 Bradley, Donna 2643 White Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 66: Mint, any variety, potted
35 Preuss, Betty 304 Red
36 Preuss, Marie 384 White
100 Kranz, Rita 1166 Pink Juneau
204 Bradley, Donna 2644 Blue Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 67: Parsley, fresh, 3 stems, not from potted entry
131 Pufahl, Kim 1729 Blue Juneau
176 Pufahl, Twyla 2264 Red Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 68: Parsley, potted
35 Preuss, Betty 305 Blue
104 Thomas, Steven E. 1354 Red Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 69: Sage, fresh, 3 stems, not from potted entry
131 Pufahl, Kim 1730 Red Juneau
176 Pufahl, Twyla 2265 Blue Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 70: Sage, potted
35 Preuss, Betty 306 Red
36 Preuss, Marie 385 Blue
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 71: Any other herb, fresh, named, 3
69 Pufahl, Sharon 714 Pink
104 Thomas, Steven E. 1355 Red Juneau
138 Blonien, Jo 1844 White Juneau
176 Pufahl, Twyla 2266 Blue Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Herbs / 72: Any other herb, potted, named
35 Preuss, Betty 307 Blue
36 Preuss, Marie 386 Red
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Vegetables / 25: Asparagus, 3 stalks
138 Blonien, Jo 1838 Blue Grand Champion Open Plant and Soil Science Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Vegetables / 37: Lettuce, any type, 1 bunch
131 Pufahl, Kim 1675 Blue Juneau
204 Bradley, Donna 2640 Red Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Vegetables / 39: Onions, red, 3
104 Thomas, Steven E. 1345 Red Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Vegetables / 40: Onions, white, 3
131 Pufahl, Kim 1677 Blue Juneau
204 Bradley, Donna 2641 Red Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Vegetables / 41: Onions, yellow, 3
104 Thomas, Steven E. 1346 Red Juneau
131 Pufahl, Kim 1678 Blue Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Vegetables / 42: Peas, 3 pods
131 Pufahl, Kim 1679 Blue Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Vegetables / 43: Peppers, hot, 3
131 Pufahl, Kim 1680 Blue Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Vegetables / 45: Early garden potatoes, 6
131 Pufahl, Kim 1682 Blue Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Vegetables / 47: Radish, round, include 1" of root tail, 3
131 Pufahl, Kim 1684 Blue Juneau
204 Bradley, Donna 2642 Red Juneau
114 Open Plant and Soil Science / Vegetables / 48: Rhubarb, 2 stalks
35 Preuss, Betty 299 White
131 Pufahl, Kim 1685 Red Juneau